25 Wilton Road, Victoria, London, SW1V 1LW

Technology Advancements
technology advancements

Over time the IT Infrastructure setup within an organisation will require further optimisation. Having the right IT Infrastructure Solution in place will increase business efficiency, reduce costs and help to improve customer satisfaction. It also ensures your organisation is sufficiently protected from  sophisticated security threats and unauthorised access.

Technological advancements continuously evolve, and to keep your business operating ahead of the curve requires a solid strategy, technical expertise and investment. With IT Infrastructure it is crucial to make sure the foundations are solid to support your business applications and future business growth plans. IT Infrastructure comes in the form of on-premise, a virtual Cloud-based service or a Hybrid of both. Opibus Solutions understand the emerging technologies and recommend the optimal solutions that fully support your application, service and resource requirements

We provide a wide range of IT Security Consultancy services ranging from Network protection to the Cyber Essentials Plus certification. Cyber Essentials Plus is a UK Government backed certification that helps organisations to mitigate against phishing attacks including malware, malicious email and website links and hacking opportunities.

Opibus Solutions help you meet the strict certification criteria by carrying out an audit of your current setup and then providing additional IT Consultancy on how your organisation can achieve the competencies and become certified.


        “Technology advancements to address the demands of your business”