25 Wilton Road, Victoria, London, SW1V 1LW

Delivery Life-Cycle

Our delivery life-cycle is based on the ITIL framework when engaging with our clients to ensure optimal efficiencies . We use the ITIL methodology to ensure that the end-goal is always kept in mind during all stages of delivery. This interlinked system is designed to enable consistent IT services.


Identify your technology requirements and set targets and objectives. 


Once requirements have been identified, a project plan is developed. A high level design is developed in this phase. 


Design solutions according to requirements previously identified. This low level design is designed by our Technical Architect

Implementation and

Opibus Solutions engineers install and configure the solution as described in design. Once ready, we transition the solution to your live environment


After project completion, the service is handed over to our client. 


Hassle-free management for your environment. Our technical engineers are certified on all major technology vendors. 

“ Adaptability is about the proweful difference between adapting to cope and adapting to win”